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G07- Leeds Road, Huddersfield

Currently Let: £600/pcm

Leeds Rd, Huddersfield, UK

Property Information:

Purchased tenanted but requiring refurbishment when vacant.

Current figures:
Purchase Price (mortgaged): £75000
Monthly Rent: £500
Monthly costs (mortgage, insurance) £232
Monthly cash flow: £268
Deposit/ fees £18600
Current return on investment: £17.2%

Figures after refurbishment
Estimate spend: £9000
Estimated Fees: £3600
Total spend: £87600
Estimated end value £110,000

Money back from remortgage = £82500
Money left in deal: £5100

Monthly Rent Once refurbished : £595
Monthly costs (mortgage, management, insurance) £304
Monthly cash flow: £291

Return on investment: 68.4%


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